Soldout BIO KLEEN: Bac Out Fabric Refresher Spray, 16 oz

BIO KLEEN: Bac Out Fabric Refresher Spray, 16 oz

SKU: KHLV01362839

Enzymes and essential oils digest and naturally eliminate tough odors that get trapped in fabrics. Works great on sofas, bedding, cars, pet areas, curtains, and sports equipment. Leaves no harsh fumes or residue. Contains NoChlorine,...

Enzymes and essential oils digest and naturally eliminate tough odors that get trapped in fabrics. Works great on sofas, bedding, cars, pet areas, curtains, and sports equipment. Leaves no harsh fumes or residue.
Contains NoChlorine, ammonia, butyl, glycol ether, SLS or SLES, DEA or EPA priority pollutants. No materials listed by the ACGIH as hazardous.